The Office of Information Technology provides academic, administrative and research computing support services for Florida Tech. The department consists of seven areas of expertise: Technology Support, Audio-Visual and Event Support, Instructional Technology, Administrative Applications, Enterprise Systems, Network Communications, and Project Management.
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The Office of Information Technology is located in Shaw Hall.
Technology Support
Technology Support provides technology assistance for campus offices, computer labs, and classrooms, as well as support for a wide range of technological needs that enhance the teaching and learning process. We are integrally involved in all aspects of campus technology, including:
- Providing first level support for faculty, staff, and students
- Call center, field technicians, and desktop repair and replacement operations
- Providing an urgent response team to quickly respond to failed computer classroom equipment
- Overseeing university-wide centralized software licensing
- Coordinating and negotiating software licensing held by various departments
- Operating six instructional computing labs and overseeing technology for 100+ classrooms and learning spaces
- Managing the Applied Computing Center located within the Evans Library
- Full-service computing facility offering productivity software and services, along with specialized software needed by each academic college or department
- Assisting with the design and integration of classroom technologies.
- Providing an urgent response team to quickly respond to failed audio-visual classroom equipment
- Managing production studio to assist with the development of video-based material for campus-based courses and online curriculum
- Providing video streaming services for both live and previously recorded material to off campus constituents
Academic Technology
Academic Technology provides expertise in pedagogy, instructional design, and academic technologies to the university at large.
- Manages Florida Tech's ecosystem of academic applications, including Canvas, Zoom, Panopto, Turnitin, and more.
- Offers workshops to support effective use of teaching tools in accordance with best practices, policies, and regulations
- Coordinates technical support resources and documentation for supported tools
- Collaborates with faculty and academic leadership to find or develop solutions as teaching needs and technologies evolve
Application Services
Application Services is responsible for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Student Information System (SIS) at Florida Tech, among many integrated systems.
- Manages and provides support services for Workday (ERP) and Banner (SIS)
- Supports critical systems needed by various administrative departments and academic colleges
Enterprise Systems
Enterprise Systems is responsible for the support of university critical systems, applications, and data-center operations.
- Provides support for academic, administrative, and research-focused initiatives
- Operates the High Performance Computing system, as well as provides assistance with the design and support of department-specific research computing (upon request)
- Manages local and offsite data backup, offsite systems, and failover data recovery in case of disaster
Network Communications
Network Communications is responsible for the engineering, installation, and maintenance of university-wide data and communications.
- Oversees the university local and wide area networks
- Installs and supports campus-wide telephone and fax systems
- Provides cabling services for buildings and outdoor spaces
Research IT
Research IT is responsible for the support of the university researchers and Office of Information Technology.
Project Management
Project Management oversees and manages both large and small IT projects to further improve Florida Tech's systems and infrastructure.
- Partners with departmental and interdepartmental peers to bring collaboration across projects and achieve university initiatives
- Coordinates with outside consultants and companies to integrate new cloud-based solutions and upgrade systems for campus-wide use
- Keeps the campus community informed through IT-focused communications, marketing, documentation, and websites