Computer and Wires

What is it?

PlayPosit is a tool that allows you to creative interactive video lessons from any Panopto, YouTube, or Vimeo video.

STEM Use Cases

  • Math Problem Set: See and instructor record a problem and scaffold instruction by adding interactions. 
  • LaTex Editor: Use the rich text editor to insert equations, tables, charts, and fill in the blank 
  • Lab Prework: Check for understanding and add accountability to lab work by including a range of interactions from free response to a web embed. 
  • Adding Tools: Here is an example of using the web embed interaction to include multiple math related tools such as a graphing calculator, matrix tool, geometry tool, functional spreadsheet and periodic table.
  • STEM Problem Set: Here is an instructor using no video but uploading a problem set and scaffolding the problem set with directions, multiple choice questions, and websites.
  • Text Based Bulb: Here are step by step directions on how to build a text based bulb with no video content. 
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